I have updated the requirements and the ammout of time for this reading. YAY! You can see these changes is the color DARK RED. SO GET OUT AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

I will also be giving away a free email reading of one card to everyone who subscribes to my mailing list.

So again tell all your friends for a free email reading and to get you more chances of winning a free 60 min reading. A $65.00 VALUE!!! Also check out more of my website and check out my good friend's website a go. Check it out under Friends from the Forest tab under the more tab. SWEET.

I thank all of you for being so supportive. YAY!

Ryan Danke
Healing Tree
[email protected]
Was this a long time without being on my website. WOW. So many changes in my life have been occuring and they're like a speeding bullet, with no stop in sight. Something MUST be happening with the energies around me or something, because HOLEY MOLEY it seems that everything is changing. Well I am changing jobs, and switching jobs is never fun, but this one is for the better... I hope... Anyway, a bunch of other changes besides that are happening and now my phone has been picking up on it and my sensitivity plant is picking up on it (a subject for another blog post). My computer got the "Blue Screen Of Death" which meant that the computer did a huge dump of all of the files that were on the computer, thank the divine that our IT guy could fix it, because as all of you know I am working on a book and that was saved on that computer. I ALMOST DIED. I was about to not do the book anymore. Which I know that all of you would be disapointed with, but you know what that would have been a lot of work that would go down the drain.

I know how much people like free stuff. SOOOOO in effort of me getting back into the swing of things I will be giving away a FREE 60 MINUTE READING. WHOOT WHOOT. I know that all of your fingers are twitching. So all you need to do is comment on this blog and tell all of your friends to view this page and then having them post your name. The more times that your name is posted, the more chances you have to win. I will only accept one comment per person. You are able to post as many of your friends names. YAY!
I will be doing the drawing on September 1st. SO GET OUT AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS.

Plus I will also be doing a few more giveaways throughout the next couple months in effort of cleaning out some of this stagnant energy. So stay tuned for more. YAY! But these giveaways will only be available to those on my mailing list so GET ON THAT LIST!!!