


I was sitting on my computer contemplating on the things that I can post about... Well the color red was sticking out to me, so lets see where this takes me, I won't edit this post at all so let's see how this goes and how much of an idiot I can make myself feel.

Well first I would like to say is, well, my initials are red, so that's pretty cool.

I was drawn to the color red when I was a child, everything I owned/got as a gift/colored/wanted was red. I think because of the whole initial thing, thats why. I love the passionate and boldness of red, it is such a wonderful color.

How I use this color in my spiritual practice:
I am a quick and simple type of pagan, I find that a full on ritual and everything is a waste of time. I often find myself using a candle and inscribing my intentions on it or using paper to burn alongside of it. So I use red candles for many uses, like in the cases of love and passion and rememberance. Also because of the bold color it can be used for protection based spell work.
Also because of the stated propeties of red, you can use it in many ways with ritual garbments and altar cloths and etc.

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